A little bit of background nonsense
Before I go into this post too far I had better come clean
and admit that my only experiences with 3D has been (1) watching a few movies
in the ‘80s using the cardboard glasses with the green and red lenses which was
from what I remember kind of cool and (2) watching a few minutes of a modern 3D
cartoon in an electronics shop on a massive 50” 3D screen. The more modern version looked great but
left me with what I can only assume to be the beginnings of a mild headache and
sore eyes. Maybe I am being too harsh
and should at least watch a full movie before being critical of this re-emerging
I have never been one to embrace new gimmicks as the first
generation of new tech is nearly always flawed in some manner; this includes
Mobile Phones, Plasma TVs, Blu Ray Players and many more… I have recently
started to leave DVD behind and move over to Blu Ray as the more preferred
viewing experience and I have been mostly satisfied by movies that I have
bought (after already buying the DVD versions).
It now annoys the hell out of me that the movie industry is pushing the
3D experience so soon after Blu Ray coming out on top of the HD market.
Why I can make these comments
I have been collecting movies since VHS times and this I believe qualifies me to have an opinion here. I have
been known to replace my favourite films a while after each new technology is
released; my reason being that each version offers new picture quality and
sound production. This theory has been sound
as we moved from VHS to DVD and then Blu Ray.
So what can 3D offer that Blu Ray cannot I ask you? I don’t wear glasses and the idea that I
would have to use glasses to watch TV at home is absurd at least to me.
One of my favourite genres (Star Wars) is coming out soon on
3D soon, only a few months after I bought the box set on Blu Ray. I knew that it would happen when I bought the
set and it didn’t worry me too much at the time and still doesn’t. I wouldn’t mind viewing it once to see what
all the fuss is about but I don’t think I would like to watch it at home on 3D.
Public Opinion Poll
from a UK Poll in September 2011: Responding to a YouGov poll, 41% of people called it a gimmick with just 19%
agreeing that 3D improves a film.
Just under half of those polled said
it made no difference at all.
Price does not appear to be an issue
for more than a third of cinema goers who said that even if the more expensive
3D films tickets were the same price as their 2D counterparts, they would
rather see a film in the traditional two dimensional format.
This is just one of many articles and Polls that I could quote here but I am going to assume that you have already read pieces about 3D technology. Indeed Google is full of negative articles written by those who believe that it's just a passing fad.
What do you think?
It would appear that I am not alone in my view that 3D is just a gimmick and may just be a prelude to the next technology upgrade which may be holographic TV. Don’t laugh, it may yet happen.
It would appear that I am not alone in my view that 3D is just a gimmick and may just be a prelude to the next technology upgrade which may be holographic TV. Don’t laugh, it may yet happen.
Movie companies are certainly pushing this technology as
their current cash cow and this may be here to stay for the immediate future
whether the movie going public want it or not.
What do you think?